Research Support Network - Expert Volunteer List

A list of researchers with computational expertise who are willing to provide virtual support and advice for scientists forced to refocus on computational work due to a crisis.

Expert volunteers: Sign up here if you are willing to be contacted by displaced scientists who need advice on computational work.

Scientists seeking support: Browse the list here to find a volunteer with expertise in an area that you need help with.


When scientists lose access to specialist equipment, lab space and/or samples due to conflicts or other crises, they may wish to take up more computational work, such as data analysis, in order to stay scientifically productive. This requires a computer and an internet connection, of course, but crucially it also requires expertise in fields such as statistics, computer programming, data visualization, machine learning, and so on.

Although the internet provides extensive learning materials in these areas, direct support from an expert is harder to come by and can make a big difference. Some research institutes realized this during the COVID-19 pandemic and set up internal support networks to facilitate connections between computational experts and scientists forced to work from home.

Prompted by the 2022 war in Ukraine, we decided to set up this list as a way of building a support network that is open and accessible to all scientists affected by war and other crises.

Computational experts who sign up to this list consent to being contacted (via the email address provided) by displaced scientists from Ukraine or from other crisis regions who seek advice and support on computational work. The two then decide together how best to proceed; the expert volunteer may for example answer questions via email, provide advice in a virtual meeting, review code in a GitHub repository, or set up a remote pair programming session.

Further Information

Setting Up Successful Interactions

Staying Safe

Other Resources

Admin Notes


Please raise an issue on the project’s GitHub repo or write to
For general discussion you can find some of us on